Thursday, January 29, 2009

1/29/09 11:45 PM I'm Tired

"I'm tired! I'm tired! I'm tired!"
—James Brown

Today I had one of those days when almost nothing goes as planned, nothing happens as it should, everything is way harder than it should be, harder than it ought to be. Today was tiring. Today tested my resolve. And today will not end today. I now need to set my alarm, wake up early, and start tomorrow off catching up on today. That just sucks that green shit that floats on the surface of lagoons. I think I'll have one more sip of pinot noir then retreat into my dream world, a flluid, languid place, relaxing and serene ... until the shocking screech of the alarm bolts me from my somnambulent retreat. ¡Felice sueõs!

1/29/09 Back in the Saddle

I've been away fro the blogging world for awhile now. Frankly, I've missed it. But I'm back, like it or not. I'm going to do pretty much the same thing I've done in the past: post some artwork, mostly informal sketches; post some poetry, because I love the outlet of writing poetry; post some of my training log; and post some random thoughts, because that's pretty much the extent of how my mind works — randomly. I welcome comments and criticism. In fact, I encourage it. State your peace, good or bad. I (probably) won't be offended. So, here goes ...